Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 2 of the cleanse

It's Monday night. I started the cleanse on Sunday morning- so I've had 2 full days on it. I have to say I've been doing really well.

In case you are curious as to which cleanse I am doing- and You haven't seen my last video- Here is a link to it.

The only side affect so far has been a headache... I've had it off and on since yesterday afternoon. That may be my lack of soda too. I've been addicted to Dr Pepper for months now and I haven't had any since Friday...LOL So that could be whats causing the headaches. Other than that I haven't really had any major issues with it. I have a feeling that either tomorrow or Wednesday I may be singing a whole different tune...According to anyone i've talked to about doing a cleanse - day 3 and 4 are not fun. We'll see.
I dunno if this is in my head or not- but feel lighter today. It's probably because I've been eating REAL and HEALTHY food for 2 full days now. No fast food. 32 oz Dr Peppers.... It's amazing what difference 2 days of healthy eating makes.
I fully plan on sticking this 14 days through. This cleans wasn't cheap. (for me and i want to not only get my money's worth- but I want to have a nice jump off for the rest of the weight loss journey!

I've been drinking a TON of water. And I've been Peeing like a champ. LOL
Well that's my check in on the cleanse!
I will try and check in again tomorrow evening!

So far- So good! <3

I've also been siting in my room since about 8:00 cleaning my room... and by "cleaning my room"- i really mean tinkering around and doing anything and everything but cleaning it. LOL I have gotten all the laundry sorted and put away-- so I have a floor again... Tomorrow nights goal is organize the top of the dresser and every other surface in the room because for some reason i tend to just throw my stuff on top of the first surface I find with no real regard to where it actually goes. LOL My room is a cluttered disaster area most of the time.
I blame this on the fact that i have no closet and its such a small room that Ihave nowhere to really put anything...and I own entirely too much crap.
One of these days I am going to go through everything and start getting rid of it. I kind of want to start purging 99% of my belongings and clothing in order to make room for my new life once I start my new career and actually get this weight off once and for all.
anhyhoo... that's enough of my blabbering..
Hope everyone's having a great week so far!
I'll check in again soon!

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