Friday, December 31, 2010


It is a little after Midnight- Jan. 1, 2011.
Time to start my new Blog! LOL  2010 was a great year and 2011 is sure to be even better!

A little about the Title of the blog- I wanted the name of this blog to refer to the journey of self descovery I've been on and continute to be on. I ran through several names that had to do with living my own truth which I learned from a dear friend who I lost this past summer. She always told my sister and I to "find your own truth" and "live your own truth". Then I came across the word 'Affirm' which lead me to the word 'affirmation' which means "declaration of the truth of something" and the word 'Journey' which means "passage or progress from one stage to another" and "A Journey to Self Affirmation" was born!

One major part of this blog will my "Zero Day Project" list.
After seeing my good friend Kayla's Zero Day Project list and then researching many many more 101things to do in 1001 days lists I had to make one of my own! This list is a list of 101 things I want to accomplish in the next 1001 days (or approximately 2.75 years)!
My 1001 Days is starting today - Jan. 1, 2011 and will end on Sept 28th, 2013. I'm looking forward to blogging about it here.

So- without further ado - Here is The List!

1. Write a list of 50 things I like about myself.
2. Write out all my bad memories on paper and burn it afterwards.  
3. Write a list of everything I want to change about myself and work to change them.    
4. Read a book in 1 day.
5. Don’t complain about anything for 1 week.
6. No fast food for 1 month.
7. Don’t swear for 1 week.
8. Don’t eat for 24 hours.
9. Make a list of 100 of the best experiences of my life so far.
10. Make a list of 100 things that make me happy.
11. Start a savings account.
12. Repair my cracked windshield.
13. Drink nothing but water for 1 month.
14. Go home at least once a year.
15. Take a potter class with Tracey.
16. Learn Fondant!
17. Lose 100 more lbs.
18. Run a 5k.
19. Run a 10k.
20. Run the Disney Princess ½ Marathon with Kayla. (HGE!!)
21. Save $10 for every item completed on t his list.
22. Give 10 “I saw this and thought of you” gifts.
23. Participate in the “100 Words Photo Project”.
24. Take 26 “A-Z” letter themed photos.
25. Smile @ and Say hello to 100 strangers.
26. Scream @ the top of my lungs.
27. Learn conversational Spanish.
28. Go through and get rid/donate any clothes I haven’t worn in the last 6 months.
29.  Fall in love.
30. Do a detox/cleanse.
31. Read the entire Harry Potter series.
32. Read the Anne of Green Gables series.
33. Make plans to travel out of the country.
34. Have my own place. (with a roommate or alone)
35. Get completely out of debt.
36. Blot @ least twice a week.
37. Vlog @ least twice a month (aside from special collaboration)
38. Take a Birthday trip with my sister. (or bdays are 6 days apart)
39. Wear earrings every day for 1 month.
40. Create something and sell it.
41. Take some sort of dance lessons.
42. Take a pic of myself every day for a year       
43. Leave a 100% tip for a deserving waiter/waitress.
44. Make a wish on 11/11/11 @ 11:11 a.m.
45. Make a wish on 11/11/11 @ 11:11 p.m.
46. Meditate once a week for 15-20 mins.
47. Go to a NKOTBSB concert.
48. Watch a sunrise.
49. Watch a sunset.
50. Save up 1 months salary.
51. Save up 3 months salary.
52. Save up 6 months salary.
53. Learn to play acoustic guitar.
54. Take voice lessons.
55. Take a tour of NYC.
56. Every day, list 3 things I’m grateful for.
57. See Celine Dion in Las Vegas.
58. See Boys II Men in Las Vegas.
59. Get up and sing Karaoke sober.
60. Visit Arlene’s church in VA.
61. Get an eye exam.
62. See a Broadway Play on Broadway.
63.  Read 6 books from the banned books list.
64. Spend one weekend ALONE. (No friends, family, cell phone or internet!)
65. Take a self defense course.
66. Go Ice Skating.
67. Go Roller Skating.
68. Donate hair.
69. Post 10 “Operation Beautiful” notes.
70. Go an entire day without mentioning weight or weight loss.
71. Go one week without mentioning weight or weight loss.
72. Go a day without thinking or talking negatively about myself.
73. Make a positive statement about the day before my feet hit the ground each morning.
74. Thank the Universe for all the good things of the day @ night before falling asleep.
75. Have my PC fixed.
76. Stick with my blog!
77. Own a pair of Lucky Brand jeans.
78. Go to the Beach 10x each summer.
79. Own (& wear) a cute sun dress.
80. Wear my hair down more often then I pull it up into a ponytail/messy bun.
81. Wear make up more often.
82. Work out @ least 3x a week.
83. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
84. Go on a picnic.
85. Own a fun belt (& wear it!)
86. Send out Xmas cards @ least once in the 1001 days.
87. Own a “little black dress”.
88. Own a pair of fun heels.
89. Go one month without candy or sweets.
90. Go one month without fried foods.
91. Fill a Penny jar.
92. Finish my Vision book.
93. Replace a negative thought or statement with at least one positive thought or statement whenever possible.
94. Dress up as a vampire for Halloween.
95. Clean my room and keep it clutter and clothes pile free for one month.
96. Create a Vision Board/Poster.
97. Buy a new coat for winter 2011.
98. Keep up with my oil changes- every 3 months or 3000 miles!
99. Take yoga class.
100. Keep this list updated at least monthly.
101. Make a new 101 list by Sept. 29th, 2013.

I'm hoping to post this list over to the side bar so that It is always a part of the blog. As per #100 i will be keeping the list updated at least once a month!
This blog will also contain updates on my weight loss and fitness goals! (# 17, 18, 19, 20) And any other random events that happen in my life over the next 1001 days!
I hope you'll come along with me on this Journey! It's sure to be an entertaining ride!